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The Making of a Pattern
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Well I am getting into making up my own original patterns. It is fun to see what I can come up with. My first one is a shawl "Pretty Shell Shawl" It is made up of shells, of course. I decided to get a couple girls from Crochetville to help me by testing my pattern. I have Kari, Cathey, Ro, and Melinda. Kari has finished about half hers and sent a couple of pictures. They are below.


I am sooo proud of Kari Holtz she finished my original shawl pattern for the Pretty Shell Shawl and it is gorgous! She did an awsome job. To see more of her work go to It is called Dogwood Dreams. Thanks Kari!


Here is a picture of mine but I am no further along then Kari. I know I was suppose to finish mine bit I really wanted others working on it with me so I would know if it was even a good pattern. As soon as mine is finished I will post pic's and the actual pattern.
For pattern see next page of site.

Finished my Pretty Shell Shawl. The pictures of it and the pattern are on next page of site under Pretty Shell Shawl. Excuse black spot on pictures it is my camera.



Alot of these cool graphics I got from a website called Wowgraphics.

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~~God Bless~~